Case studies

Social development
Why airlines are making a change for good

Since 1987, cabin crew and airline ground-staff around the world have colle...

Social development
Airport provides vital community links

The community on Svalbard, halfway between Norway and the North Pole, depen...

Precise navigation, precise environment benefits

It may have a somewhat clumsy name: required navigation performance (RNP), ...

ASPIRE programme gathers pace and members

The Asia and South Pacific Initiative to Reduce Emissions (ASPIRE) links 19...

Alaskan salmon take to the air

Each year, Alaska Air Cargo delivers shipments of Copper River salmon from ...

Social development
Turboprop aircraft key drivers to economic growth

A new generation of quiet, fuel-efficient and rugged turboprop aircraft suc...

Social development
Apprenticeship scheme captures young talent

British Airways (BA) recruits between 120 and 200 apprentices each year and...

Social development
Airlines and airports provide the pathway for pilg...

More than two million Muslims from all parts of the world make the Hajj pil...

Social development
Sustainable tourism revitalises Cape Verde economy

For many years, life for the 500,000 inhabitants of Cape Verde, a chain of ...

Powering biofuel research down under

Australia has become one of the world’s most important centres for biofuel ...

Social development
New aircraft: more jobs and cleaner production

Every time a new aircraft programme is announced, the economic and industri...

Social development
Aid lifelines to Typhoon Haiyan victims

When Typhoon Haiyan hit the central Philippine islands in November 2013, al...