
Air transport in Denmark to be CO2-neutral by 2050

Environmental Climate solutions Economic measures Technology Sustainable fuels

The trade association Dansk Luftfart (Danish Aviation) launched a climate action initiative that aims for the Danish air transport sector to be CO2-neutral by 2050. The first step will include off-setting all CO2 emissions from domestic air transport as of next year and by 2030, to reduce 30 per cent of CO2 emission from air transport.

BDL - the trade association Dansk Luftfart (Danish Aviation) launched the initiative “Climate Scheme for Danish Aviation” which aims for the sector to take joint responsibility for the green transition of air transport. The climate initiative consists of four concrete steps that will contribute to making Danish air transport CO2-neutral by 2050:

  • Carriers will offset 100 per cent of CO2 emissions from domestic flights by 2020. In addition, airports shall be CO2-neutral by 2020.
  • By 2030, CO2 emission from Danish air transport will be reduced by 30 per cent compared to 2017.
  • The trade association will actively contribute to meeting the objectives of the Paris agreement. In accordance with the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) it aims that air transport will be CO2-neutral by 2050.
  • The trade association will work for an increased demand for and supply of sustainable jet fuels and other long-term technology solutions. Thus, it wants to enhance research and innovation projects on the production of sustainable jet fuels and new technologies.

“With this climate initiative we would like to emphasize that we – as a sector – join forces to improve the climate. Aviation provides international connectivity which is essential for the Danish economy, growth and development. However, it must be done as sustainably as possible. All members of the trade association Dansk Luftfart (Danish Aviation) have been working on the climate initiative for a number of years, and now it is time for the sector as a whole to take joint responsibility for a green transition of air transport”, says Michael Svane, Director of Danish Aviation.

Ambitious partnerships are the solution

The sustainable transition cannot be carried out by the sector alone, according to Dansk Luftfart. It is therefore necessary to establish better interaction and cooperation between the sector, politicians, scientists and environmental organisations. In addition to the four concrete steps, the trade association proposes to establish an Aviation Climate Partnership in Denmark with the objective to create the best possible terms for developing the right solutions for sustainable aviation.

“As a sector we urge everybody with an interest in air transport to join forces. We invite politicians, policy institutes and scientists to collaborate with us in order to find sustainable and balanced solutions for the future of air transport”, says Michael Svane, Director of Danish Aviation. 

The campaign “Fordi vores klima er et fælles ansvar(Because our climate is a joint responsibility) can be found on Facebook and Twitter.

A position paper on the initiative can be found here (Danish only). 


This is a translation of the original press release which can be found here.